Hello, I'm Filipe Lehmann, a web developer.

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About Me

Filipe Lehmann

I want to be a bridge between people and technology.

I am a developer, athlete and polyglot in training, engaged with life and looking to partner with people and organizations to carry out worthwhile projects, improve relationships and achieve the best version of myself.

I graduated in Computer Engineering from IFMG. In my career as a developer I was Web Development Intern at Guarani Sistemas, in São Carlos - SP, Brazil, as well as a Front-end developer in a spin-off from Hype Empreendimentos, in Curitiba - PR, Brazil.

In my last professional experience, I not only had the opportunity to improve my skills in React, Typescript, Scrum and other tools for web software development, but also the opportunity to proactively contribute to creating a positive, proactive and collaborative work culture.

Invite me to a project!


Front-end Developer @ Volunteers for Ukraine

March 2024 - Present

  • Contributing to the development of a web application for project and crisis management to support Ukraine.
  • Front-end: React, Next.js, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
  • Backend: .NET and Node.js

Featured Projects

Lingo picture


(Under development)

Lingo is a project of a language learning SaaS, similar to Duolingo. Users will be able to choose a language course, and have guided lessons with beautiful design, characters, audio & visual effects.

Expert Speech Recognition picture

Expert Speech Recognition

Expert Speech Recognition is an application for creating notes with text and transcribed audio. The project was developed during NLW Expert (ReactJS track), an event presented by Rocketseat. The speech recognition API is set for Portuguese audios and only works in some browsers.

Desafio ACME Inc. picture

Desafio ACME Inc.

Web application, made as a front-end challenge, to display the products of the fictional company Acme Inc. The application displays 15 items, in a responsive way, with images, descriptions and values generated randomly from internal databases or from APIs.

Front-end Challenge
Mock Newspaper API picture

Mock Newspaper API

- Read more at the Github repository -

This is a project for use in a Newspaper API with access, manipulation, and aggregation of data. The goal was to implement CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE) operations using a mock newspaper repository object.

Mock Car Rental picture

Mock Car Rental

Car rental management application, allowing registration of vehicles, customers, rentals and payments. Queries with multiple conditionals and generation of 3 types of reports.


More Projects

IP Adress Tracker

Web app in which the user can obtain locations through IP addresses, with map display. When loading the page, the app returns the physical and IP address associated with the user.



Playlister is a playlist creator that makes entries available and shared among users. It has authentication, authorization, database and hosting via Firebase. The project is a proof of concept and does not allow storage of audio formats.


Projetos Front-end

Projects for learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Latest project, called Infusion, hosted via Netlify.


Contact Me

Whether it's a job opportunity, an invite to coffee, or feedback on my portfolio, my inbox is open!

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